Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Start of the Journey

This is just an introductory post to my blog. I'm Sara, a 22 year-old girl living in south-east Texas. This blog is to store my work for the ADF Dedicant Path. I joined ADF back in February, after gaining a high interest in the group after perusing some of the articles on the website and my interest rose even greater after reading about the Dedicant Path. Though honestly, with vague goals in my mind I fell out of my work. I started reading one of the books to write a book report on, and then stopped on the second chapter. I let my mind become overwhelmed with the work and stopped functioning. I had vague ideas for my Spring Equinox ritual, and then let to slide to the last minute in which I realized I hadn't prepared at all and let it slip past me. I plan to use this blog to follow along with The ADF Dedicant Path Through the Wheel of the Year, and keep myself more accountable.

On the blog's name: I actually got inspired in a sort-of lame way: a name generator. One of  the names that popped up was QuietNatureSinging because I had listed in the generator that I was quiet, liked nature and singing is my hobby. And the idea struck me: When I'm outside, and just let the silence surround me, the music of nature becomes audible. When you're in the city, or just letting yourself be caught up with being busy and not taking time to appreciate what is around you, you can't hear it: those noises of the leaves rustling in the breeze, squirrels chirping and hopping from tree to tree, the sound of the flowing water in the lake, etc. But if you just be silent and listen to the music of nature, it has such a calming effect.

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